How do I find my unique shareable product URL?

Great news! Partners will now have the ability to receive a unique URL to promote their product!

What does it mean to have a unique URL?

With a unique URL, partners will get credit for driving new buyers. This is also how partners will receive the 95% revenue share for driving new buyers to AppSumo. 

How can I locate my unique URL?

Head on over to the Partner Portal and select the "Listings" tab. From there, choose the product you are looking to promote. Scroll down under "Overview" where you can click the "Copy link" button and start sharing your link!

Check out the GIF below for a step-by-step walkthrough. 

You'll earn 95% of total revenue from every new customer you bring to AppSumo via your unique partner URL. We process payments 60 days after purchase due to our refund policy.

Please make sure the new customer is purchasing your product through your unique URL. Otherwise, you will not receive credit or revenue share for your new user.