Upgrading / downgrading my license

Why should I upgrade/downgrade my license?

Because you can, that’s why! After activating and testing your product license, make changes to the variable features in your tier/plan, with the option to upgrade or downgrade your license tier.  Upgrading your license will increase the variable features of the plan, as listed on the product's deal page.  On the other hand, downgrading your license will decrease the variable features of the plan.

How do I upgrade/downgrade my license?

Unlike codes, licenses cannot be stacked - which means you can upgrade/downgrade your tiered plan to your heart's content. Once the license is activated, you will see the option to upgrade/downgrade it in the Redemption Instructions.

Please note that once a deal has sold out of the AppSumo marketplace, you will only see the option to downgrade in your account as there are no additional licensing tiers available for purchase.

Additionally, downgrades can only be requested within the number of days specified on your tool’s deal page.

To upgrade/downgrade your license tier, first make sure that your license has been activated. Then, follow these steps: 

  1. Head to the "Products" page of your AppSumo account
  2. Use the "Actions" dropdown menu to the right of your product to select "Change plan"
  3. Review your current plan and click the "Select Tier #" button to view your upgrade/downgrade option(s)
  4. Select your preferred plan and click the "Next: Payment" button
  5. Next, enter your preferred payment method and click the "Next: Review plan" button
  6. There, confirm your current plan, your new selected plan, and the upgrade/downgrade total
  7. Finalize your upgrade/downgrade by clicking the "Confirm change" button!

Need help? We’re here for you - reach out to our Support team at support@appsumo.com 🙂

What does upgrading/downgrading look like in my AppSumo account?

Once you've upgraded/downgraded your license, you'll see your new license tier listed in the "Products" page of your AppSumo account.

Find your previous license tier(s) on the "Products" page of your AppSumo account by using the "Filter" dropdown menu to select "Outdated."  Any license tiers that are no longer in use will be listed under this filter.  Using the same "Filter" dropdown menu, you can also find your unredeemed and refunded licenses.

What does upgrading/downgrading look like in my AppSumo invoices?

Find all license purchases, upgrades, and downgrades in the "Purchase History" page of your AppSumo account.  You'll see each charge for upgrading/downgrading listed as a separate line item, organized by the date of purchase.  Upon opening each license invoice, you'll see the license tier listed under "Deal Plan" in the Order Summary.

What does upgrading/downgrading look like on my bank statement?

Upgrading your license tier will appear on your bank statement as a standard charge for the total paid at the time of upgrading.

Similarly, downgrading your license tier will appear on your bank statement as a standard refund for the total paid at the time of upgrading (the refund amount and refund method will be confirmed when you downgrade).