Contact AppSumo

Check out our Help Center to learn all about your AppSumo account, partnering with us to list your product, and our AppSumo Plus membership!

Use the magnifying glass in the bottom right corner of your screen to browse related articles and contact our Support team if you don't find the answer you're looking for.

When our team is available via live chat, you'll see the option to chat using the "Ask" tab in the same magnifying glass icon.

If we're not online to chat (or it's just not your thing), you can always send us an email directly at and we'll follow up shortly. When you email our team, you'll receive an auto-reply confirming your ticket has arrived in our inbox. If you do not receive an auto-reply from us within a reasonable timeframe, please resend your email and/or reach out through our live chat option.

We appreciate your patience while we look into things. Let us know how we can be of assistance!