How to request a refund
We’re sorry to hear that one of your purchases wasn’t a good fit for you (we don’t take it personally)!
To process a refund through your AppSumo account:
- Go to the “Products” page of your AppSumo account.
- Select “Refund” under the Actions dropdown next to the product you want to return (note: this will be grayed out if your refund window has passed or if the tool is ineligible for a refund).
- Click the “Initiate refund” button under the refund instructions.
- Select a refund reason and click the blue “Continue” button.
- Choose your refund method (if applicable) and click “Confirm and initiate refund” to finalize your refund.
The Refund policy for any refundable product sale is a full refund of the purchase price within the timeframe stated on the deal page (ex: 30 days, 60 days). Some listings, such as digital downloads, cannot be returned or refunded. You can check the Deal Terms section of each listing to confirm if the tool is eligible for our money-back guarantee.
As a reminder, all refunds are final. If you choose to complete a refund for your purchase, you will immediately lose access to the product and may not be able to purchase it again if that product has left AppSumo.
Please note: Due to built-in fraud prevention measures on our site (believe us, we dislike fraudsters as much as you do), automatic refunding may be temporarily disabled in some cases. If you run into this, our Support team will gladly continue to assist with your refund requests. Simply email and we’ll process your refunds on our end.