Product support

We sincerely apologize if you purchased a product from us that is now giving you a hard time!

We choose Partners who provide first-class support, so they'll assist you with any issue you may be experiencing with their product.

You can always find the contact information for our partners in your redemption instructions through the "Products" page of your AppSumo account.  Here's a walkthrough of how to do so:

  1. Next to the the navigation bar on any AppSumo page, click the profile drop down menu  in the top right corner (next to the cart)
  2. Select "Products" from the dropdown menu (or head to the “Products” tile from your account overview) and find the product you need help with
  3. From the "Actions" dropdown to the right of the product, select "Redeem/Activate/Redemption info" (this will present as your first option and is dependent on the redemption status of your product)
  4. You’ll find our partners’ Support contact under the "Need Help?" section along with some extra resources to help you along the way!

As always, don't hesitate to reach out to our Support team at if you experience any trouble contacting our partners; we’re happy to help get you connected!