How and when will I be paid?

How do I get paid?

  • We use a global payment processing system called Ramp to send payments quickly and securely around the world.
  • You can choose from several payment methods, including ACH, Domestic Wire, Check, and International Wire. We do not send paper checks.
  • In most cases, you can also choose your preferred payment currency.**
  • If you have a payment related question, email our Payments Team at

When are payouts?

  • We will start sending payments on a Net 60-day basis from the end of the month (due to our 60-day refund policy). Payments will be sent out the first week of the month 60-days after the end of the respective month's sales, minus refunds.
  • Scenario: You make a sale on June 14th, 2026. You will receive a payout for the sales (excluding refunds) generated in June 2026, the first week of September 2026.
  • Our payouts are the same if you have a refundable or non-refundable product. 
  • If you have more questions about getting paid, check out this guide.

What about taxes?

  • We are not authorized to provide tax advice. Please contact a tax consultant or the IRS for more information about the potential tax implications of partnering with us.

When viewing sales in your Partner Portal, please keep these things in mind:

  • Customers have 60 days to redeem a code, so you might see someone redeem a code on a different day than they bought it on.
  • Customers have 60 days to refund a code, and sometimes this happens before they redeem a code. In these circumstances, collecting end-user information will be accessible.
  • The Partner Portal can take up to 24 hours to reflect a sale.

Additional resources:

Learn more about the seller's revenue share.

Learn more about tracking your sales.

Learn more about selling on AppSumo. 

Learn more about our Partner Payment Policy.

*Transaction fees may apply

**FX fees may apply