How To Delete A Review

One of the top reasons creators enjoy partnering with AppSumo is the valuable feedback from Sumo-lings, so we’re so thankful you’re sharing your feedback with the AppSumo community! We’d love to hear about every purchase you make, but please keep in mind that each Sumo-ling can only submit one review per deal purchased.

Our system currently does not allow for reviews to be edited once they are submitted, but we're working on adding this functionality in a future update.

In the meantime, you're able to delete an old review so you can submit an updated post by following the steps below:

  • Navigate to your review on the tool's deal page
  • Click the three dots in the top-right corner of your review to open up the options menu
  • Click the "Delete" button
  • Then you can submit a new review for the tool!

Sumo tip: Once you delete a post it's gone forever, so please copy the text of the review before deleting if you don't want to start from scratch!